A downloadable tool for Windows

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A small random number generation program I made for my Minecraft server.

I wanted to change my spawn location to a new unexplored area each update, but with certain parameters:

  • Minimum Distance
  • Maximum Distance
  • Origin Offset

It doesn't ACTUALLY change server spawn location. It simply generates some random numbers that I then copy and use when I set my new world spawn location.

You can use it for anything really. All it does is choose a random direction from a set origin and offset and return coordinates between your maximum and minimum distance factors.

The Math:

random_direction = random_number_between(0, 360);
random_distance = random_number_between("Minimum Distance", "Maximum Distance");
x_add = length_of_x_vector(random_direction, random_distance);
y_add = length_of_y_vector(random_direction, random_distance);
"Random Location  [X] " = "Offset X" + x_add;
"Random Location  [Y] " = "Offset Y" + y_add;


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Minecraft Shift Generator v1.2.zip 2.4 MB

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